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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

They mentioned the 'S' word!!!

I think that I will stay right under the duvet this morning, it is cold, its raining and the Canadian guy on the radio told me gleefully at 5am that we would be getting some snow today. SNOW!!!!, the nemesis of I, Lady Lainey, snow the inescapable agent of my downfall, and that usually means a down fall on my very ample backside!!!
Oh please, I flipping hate snow and cannot bear cold weather either.

Bring me sunshine!!!!

I have spent the last two hours hunting out thermals and warm woolly socks and fingerless gloves ( so that I can still type in Super Swanky Lady Lainey office), as well as finding an appropriate hat which matches ( no point in looking slovenly). Oh the joy of winter!!!!

Luckily my legs have an extra overcoat on due to it being too cold to even considering having the hair  ripped out by the lovely Sonya.And believe me when I tip up to get them done it will take some industrial strength bitumen to remove the hairy layer of growth!

Actually talking about hair removal I must go in to get my eyebrows tidied up, my legs may be hairy but they are unseen, a  'monobrow' is never a good look!!!!

In cricket James Anderson has been talking about his fear of bowling after the Phil Hughes accident. he was doubting whether he could ever bowl again. he said that he did no t think that bowlers would change their they go but that most must have had doubts.

To be honest it was a freak accident and although it sent shockwaves through the cricket community ( and further) cricket has to go on. If not what would I have to babble on about!

Ireland beat Scotland in their tri series match with an unbeaten 80 b Niall O' Brien.

these warm ups are getting serious!
 And serious is what my thoughts are turning to now as I head off to the office and wait for the insurance company to ring me about the garage roof which took a bit ( a lot) of a battering in the wind that struck over the weekend

Drive safely and stay warm.

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