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Sunday, 14 September 2014

Sedate Sunday?

Ahh the joys of walking home in the early hours of the morning with your loved one after a full on evening at 'The claggy mat',AKA Blakes, AKA DL5. no not me!!  I was in bed by 9pm sound asleep. However some 'loved up' or rather 'tanked up' couple decided to have a full on domestic outside Tykes Towers at 2.30am this morning.
Yes the Deer Park was awash with revelations that would have been better kept behind closed doors. I now know more about the anatomy of the young man in question than my delicate ears cared to hear. I was tempted to get out of bed and see what the couple looked like ( just for future reference) but I was so warm and toasty that I just laid in bed listening to the revelations that were forthcoming.
Ahhhh young love!!! Flipping glad I choose to be single!!!

After a full 20 minutes of the unfurling drama the man across the road came out and shouted at them to

1.*flipping well shut up*
2. get back to your own *chuffing* house
3. My wife doesn't want to hear about your appendage ( which is odd as she is very vocal in the street regularly)
4. I have to *flipping*, *chuffing*, *balderdashing* go to work at 5am
* words changed to protect innocent ears

And so my early morning entertainment came to an abrupt end, I got up made myself a coffee and then settled back down to sleep.

Yes the merry making of Friday evening had fair worn me out  yesterday and after a visit from Dame Didi and Lord Christophe, I had a nap, did some washing, put the dishwasher on and then had a shower and got ready for bed.

Twitter was still alive with the congratulations for The Tykes, and my headache stood as testament to a well deserved championship title. Even after a full fry up, two choclate muffins with extra thick cream and lots of sugar free cherryade, I still didn't feel too good ( actually felt much worse). However today I am feeling much better and getting ready to do the housework!!!!

  Besty friend and ex Hants wicketkeeper  Garas  will no doubt be feeling a little under the weather this morning. he as off to a stag do in Cardiff, missed his stop and messaged to say he was on his way to Swansea! After an hour or so he went very quiet so I am guessing he got back to Cardiff met up with the stags and did whatever boys do on stag do's!!! ( do not even want to begin to think about that!).

So now I am off to get the hoover out and make Tykes Towers presentable again.

happy a very sedate Sunday.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Hi LL,

Are you trying to say that Dame Didi and Lord Christophe made a mess in your house yesterday? Really though that we cleared up on all fronts.