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Saturday 23 March 2019

Happy weekend

And what better way to start the weekend, opening the curtains and seeing Headingley.

Never fails to make me smile.

I guess that as much as I want to live abroad, I really am a Yorkshire girl at heart.

I have two routes that I take to get here and both involve some of the most wonderful scenery, Yorkshire really is a beautiful place.

Today though is about the AGM and finding out what is going to be happening at the club. And for me its to find out what we are doing to move forward.What the chairman is bringing to the table.
Interesting to see how this goes.

Sad to see in tabloids that another cricketer has been caught with his whites down.
True or not, I would have thought that anyone in the public eye would think twice.

Well super duper short one today as I have to now put my slap on , twirl my curls and get out the door to hotfoot it round the corner to the meeting.

Have a fabulous Saturday, I'll not be here tomorrow as it is blog rest day.

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