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Wednesday 24 June 2020


Well here we are at Wednesday, its been a busy week  at The Wickets as I've been busy at  work and also organising  and sending out 'hugs in boxes' along with much  writing of letters.

I was due to treat myself to another French evening last Saturday but complete exhaustion took over on Saturday afternoon and a bath and early night ensued.
Sunday was a busy day as I put the new washing machine through its paces. I'm pleased to report that it has passed its initiation with flying colours.

It seems that England are going to be honouring key workers during the test, I wonder how many utilities services staff get a mention.
However the whole game of cricket is in chaos after a the Prime Ministers comments yesterday.

I am down to 4 site workers 2 of whom are supervisors and I have 3 sites working, 1 in the North east of blighty, one darn sarf and one mid way, and now ' the powers that be' are trying  to see if we can take on a site in Cambridgeshire. One man for each for a site...………………..?????
They were so quick to jump on the furlough bandwagon...……………. and so slow to bring them back!

I have recently been so very lucky to be able to purchase some new original artwork from a fabulous painter based in East Yorkshire.
Sue Ellis has produced some absolutely stunning work through lockdown and I highly recommend her.

I need to get the dining room finished so that I finally get them hung.

I am planning a lovely French Meal on Saturday, so I will be going through my French cookery books, that should while away a few evenings. Hopefully I will get to do it, but judging by how I feel today I can see a repetition of last Saturday.

stay safe.

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