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Friday 27 May 2022

And just like that


Its over! By the time you read this I will be en route to the airport ( god knows what joys that will entail)

However the last full day was put to good use as I was once again on the beach before the sunbed man and spent the day in the company of the lovely Cherie and Jack ( AKA Patsy, just don't ask!!). 

After my run in with the  lovely Marie Therese ( the French lady )I thought  my Franglais was behind me, but hell no!

We were joined on the beach by 15 Frenchmen on a stag do, and somehow we got talking to them, well I say we, I was somehow made the intermediary. I'm not sure that my French to English translation was correct but we had a cracking time. 

I wandered back towards my hotel  and thought that just for once I would venture into an English pub for a bite to eat...............only to be openly insulted by the 'lady' that owned it. As I left her husband chased me and said he was sorry she didn't think I was English!!!!! What the funkety funk is that all about! Its obviously OK to be rude to people that you don't think are English! I was equally rude telling him to make sure in future he gets a muzzle for his old dog!!!

I then went to the lovely typical little Spanish bar that was run by a Chinese couple (!), I had popped in here most days and they  referred to as 'Large San Miquel' well it beats what the old dog called me.

I am sad to be leaving, I have had the best time and sadly didn't have time to do a few things that I wanted, but hey it just means that I have to come back.

I finished my tour of 'bubbles' last night with a bottle of champagne. Well why not!

And now I am heading home and preparing for another week of R & R ( I really should decorate), before new adventures.

Have a lovely Saturday.

Tarragona its been a blast I will return.

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