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Tuesday 14 July 2020

Mid July

As we move into mid July things are changing for us all again, pubs have reopened ( not  that I have been), restaurants are open ( ditto) and hairdressers are back.

My fabulous mane tamer got to grips with my lockdown hair and I now feel half way human!

Cricket returned in International format, albeit behind closed doors.

And we lost.

At the office, the  'Richards' are talking about staged returns to work although they haven't included themselves in this.

I, in  the meantime have put a preliminary booking on a trip to Malta, flying on Boxing Day and also may book my flight for November  in the next few weeks.

I need a break, before I break.

Friday not only saw the new haircut but also meeting up with my oldest friend, Debbie, it was a chance to have a proper old chin wag and put the world to rights.

Who knows how the next few weeks will pan out, but I am sure that things will settle into a new  sort of normality..

My normality is that I go shopping once a week, forget what I really wanted and end up with lots of things that I didn't realise I needed!

And the charity shop is open again...…………… I bought a new 'boule' for the garden! This made me very happy!

I have taken great pleasure in my early morning walks, and have to say that nature is really at its best at the moment with so much flora and fauna around. As I wander around the outskirts of town, I have been able to spot little faces peering out from undergrowth. And the undergrowth is very abundant.

Ah well time to head out and tackle the ever increasing traffic.

have a great day/week

stay safe

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