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Wednesday 27 May 2020

New week and new obstacles

Well that is the last Bank Holiday over until August and who knows what that will bring.,  It normally is the warning klaxon for nearing the end of the cricket season, however this year, I still wonder if there will be any cricket.

My Bank Holiday weekend was full on busy although not doing what I had said I would do.

I did however cook myself a fabulous French meal and took great delight in studying wines for the meal, I had forgotten how much I missed working for Virgin Wines and the lovely wines that they sold.

I dipped into my Rick Stein 'Secret France' book too for a couple of recipes and very nice they were.
I spent the evening watching 'Julie and Julia' and OSS 117 Cairo, nest of spies, which is a French spoof spy films and always makes me laugh.

If lockdown has done one thing for me, it has brought me back to cooking, something which I love more now than when it was my work.
I have also been making (more) chutney and pickling onions and chillies.

On Saturday on my early morning bimble I finally spotted some Elder bushes just ready to flower, so there should be some 'champagne' brewing soon.
I found lots of blackberry bushes and cherry trees, I see some 'cherry brandy' being made soon.

All I need now is to find the sloes and I am all set.

Well best head out, the roads are getting busier every morning now and I think that my sedate drive to and from work will soon be turning to the stressful one of old.

Stay safe.

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