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Tuesday 14 April 2020

The first Bank Holidays of Corona

I'm back after my four day staycation,the first of the corona Bank Holidays, and very nice it was too,  it was nice  to be at home, doing things, pulling things out and not worrying about any one calling unexpectedly, { well apart from Mr Funky leaving a grow bag outside the gate and me still being in my dressing gown,}.

I finished work on Thursday evening and after seeing the queue outside Aldi, thought that I didn't have the  energy to join the line for my essential shop, so went home and was in bed by 8pm.

Friday saw me up at normal time, and out on my walk at 6.15am, it was lovely, a slight chill in the air and not a soul around. I was home by 7.15am and washed the car, mainly because the seagulls that frequent Ladylaineyworkville, decided that my car was the local toilet!!!
Then I set about scrubbing the paved area of the garden, before heading in for coffee and breakfast.

I eventually  {9am} went for my shopping and then home to have a relaxing day.

Saturday was much the same but with chutney making thrown in for good measure.

Sunday was sewing and  ebaying, and yesterday was clearing under the stairs and finishing off the cushion covers I had made...…..and disliked, so they are now to one side.
Put up pictures in the dressing room and tidied the two landing cupboards.

Not exactly the weekend I had planned, as I should have been in Madrid, but in the circumstances, it was a very enjoyable time.

I think that post lockdown, I will try to keep to shopping once a week and  spending more time around the house, I have no desire to go to the pub, as lots of people are saying.
I would like to see my friends again that's for sure, but the pub is not on my radar.

In cricket Hampshire have now cancelled Nathan Lyons contract to play part of the season.

And I have been keeping up with Karl McDermott the Lords Head groundsman who is keeping a Twitter diary of life on lockdown in Lords. Imagine living there!!!!

Well another day and back to my usual routine, which is something that I am grateful for, I get out of the house { albeit to the office} and my life is pretty much keeping to the norm, but for how long???

I hope that you are all well and that you had a peaceful Easter.

Here's  to another week on lockdown, which is for our own good.

Be sensible about it, it isn't forever, which the alternative is!!!

Stay safe

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