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Friday 21 January 2022

Friday feeling


Another working week is coming to a close, and its been a busy one, just what I like.

Plans for the weekend include cocktail hour, a whole day to myself and then taking my sister furniture and carpet shopping.

Cricket fixtures came out yesterday and for the first time in years I haven' even looked at them. I am not planning my summer around cricket, I will be fitting cricket into my summer plans. I do know one game that I will be going to but at the moment that is about it 

How times have changed, but then I think the last two years have changed many of us. I know I need to devote more time to me, not exhaust myself racing around the country.

I wont be attending any T20's that is something that I decided a while ago. It will be interesting to support from afar.

I am also starting to plan out my birthday trip in November, after the huge success of Iceland I am considering heading off to another Northern country, there is also a sun filled trip in the mix, I have plenty of time to think about it though,

And off I go across the landing , before I know it, it will be cocktail hour.

Have a great Friday and a cracking weekend.

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