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Sunday 5 June 2022

A weekend we will never see again

 So a four day break is over and we return to some sort of normality, for me it really is a return to normality after over 2 weeks off work, and which I crammed full of fun things. today is for me, a new and exciting start. Best not be late, ( especially after lots of long lie ins and snoozing).

The weekend has been a delight for those of us who respect the Queen, for her long and continued service to the country and for still having the ability at 96 to surprise us.

It has been wonderful hearing all the stories of the Queen, so I thought I would share mine with you.

Most of my life up to my late teens, my parents would take me regularly to London to stay with my Great Aunt and Uncle who lived there, we had great times, from feeding the deer in Richmond Park  which backed onto their house, to exploring London.

Dad would drag Mum and I all over to  museums, palaces, exhibitions and just looking at the architecture  ( and the Playboy club!, there were Bunnies at the door!).

On one occasion when I was about 7 or 8 we had been to look at The Dorchester and were walking along a road behind it, There was not a  soul about  and we were just walking on when a policeman appeared out of nowhere and said to Dad that if we just waited a couple of minutes we would get a surprise.

He was talking into his radio and then suddenly he said 'look', and as we stood on the side of the road a large black car came along with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in. Mum and Dad were waving I was sort of waving but so overawed by seeing the Queen. They both  waved and smiled. I was disappointed as she wasn't wearing  crown!!!

I remember Dad thanking the policeman and Mum just smiling.

It really was special and I will never forget it. 

We all know that the Queen will not be with us forever but she has been the single monarch of my life to date. An amazing lady.

Here's to a few more years.

And here's to a good week.

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