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Monday 2 December 2019

Here we go again

I am never sure how come the weekend goes so quickly.

Get home on Friday and wake up to Monday.Well so it seems.

Friday  and Saturday were mainly to do with blasting out the heating and trying to dry out the hall way, the plumber came and repaired the upstairs loo and fitted a new flush valve on the downstairs which now has stopped the rattle/banging.

So we are sorted out there.

Sunday was shopping catching up with  friends and trying to get some more cakes made.
I have listened to a bit of the cricket, especially last night when Aggers was rambling  on about A A Jones ( or Jonah as most know him). I knew all the counties that he played for. Top man and very lucky to call him a friend.

Well it sounds as if weather might blight NZvEng although the hosts did dig in over night.
Captain Root seemed to put England in a good position, but as Kane Williamson is batting for the hosts anything could happen.

This week I am hoping to get he Wickets in shape and maybe get the tree up, I am also hoping to get all the cards and presents sent out, that way I can put my feet up and relax  inthe run to Christmas, that is the plan.

I had a series of messages and pictures from Harry (Latchman) , my former coach and besty mate. I am now looking forward to a trip to Oxfordshire and some tapas.

Well as the  temperatures have dropped here in the icy wastes of the North, and as I no longer have a garage, I guess I need to go and scrape the car.

Have a great start to the week and keep warm.

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