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Monday 24 February 2020

Another week begins

and what a week it looks to be, I'm having my knee prodded some more, the big meeting with the future new company owners takes place and it is nearer the start of the season, and I am so proud to sponsor Ben and Tom for another year.

Yesterday South Africa beat Australia in the 2nd T20 and its all down to the last game.
And South Africa ladies aren't doing too badly either .

It was also busy day at The Wickets as I had a trip to the dechetterie and picked up my train tickets for my jolly on Thursday.
I also continued to get rid of things on eBay, this in light of yesterdays blog was very much enriching my life.

I really have got the spring clean bug, and think that next weekend I might even strip the wallpaper off the sitting room wall and paint it.
I have seen a new mirror that I like and also need to go out to look for some radiator covers {if anyone knows of any that need rehoming let me know please}.
Oh my dog! lets see how much of that I get done!!!

The lovely Roxanne, {my cleaner} is going to do a good old pulling out of everything for me, mainly because I am still struggling with the rotator cuff problem, its getting there, but I don't want to aggravate it at the moment.

I am looking into re-enamelling my bath myself...……………….as I am a huge fan of 'Return to the chateau DIY', I watched Angel do it last week, and if she can do it in a floating kimono thing, well I can do it in my Iron Maiden T shirt.

I am not sure how many days this week, I will be here due to things going on , so I will see you all soon.

Oh and Ladylaineyville is a winter wonderland this morning ass we have had snow over night!!!!

Have a great week.

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