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Monday 7 December 2020

My countdown continues


weekend done and dusted and time to head back to the office and try to get another week under my belt,  I should be able to get a lot more under my belt thanks to a small bout of food poisoning on Saturday night/Sunday morning!!

Great news for me the charity shop is open again, bad news for me I have forbidden myself to buy anything until the New Year ( apart from food and alcohol!). I didn't even go in, just stood with my nose pressed against the window,crying!

Sis is back in hospital she seems to have developed a myriad of other problems although luckily not COVID. I am waiting for her to see the neurologist. Hopefully then there will be good news.

Yesterday  was a bit of a wash out on the work at home front as I was not really up to dashing about and doing 'stuff' so this week will be busy as I try to get the first lot of Christmas pressies ready to go in the post.

 I did manage to get the pictures up on the wall in the lounge which is coming together (slowly), I never seem to get things done as quickly as I want.

Cricket has become a bit of a worry in South Africa as COVID seems to now be in the England camp. Maybe quarantine them all and then get them back home? 

The mystery is how this happened as they are supposed to be in a bio secure bubble.

Fingers crossed this is knocked on the head very quickly.

Will life ever return to some sort of normality, at the moment even with the vaccine here, I still think not.

Well I have tidied up my wonderful word book and cannot remember where I have put it. 

So until tomorrow, have a great day.

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