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Thursday 3 December 2020

Joyeux Noel


Well now, do I really want to blog about a French Christmas menu, well of course I do, however France is a VERY large country and  I know that all I can do is a general menu as a lot of areas have different variations.

So after putting my thinking hat on and doing a lot of research I have put together the menu that I (hopefully) will be having on Christmas day

I will not be having the traditional Christmas Eve meal 'Le Reveillion' , it will be transferred to our Christmas day.

I will be leaving my shoes out for Pere Noel ( instead of a stocking) and hope that I get a present.

So far I have decided on 


Smoked salmon and cavier to start, with bran bread which I am going to have a go at making myself.

The French love seafood and have oysters for starters  for festive meals ( actually any meal), however I am not sure here in the north east of blighty  I will be able to get oysters or that they will be fresh for Xmas day.


I will be having turkey with chestnut stuffing ( not a whole turkey and it is  traditional in parts of France too ),I had considered a goose ( traditionally French too) but that was going to be way too much 'bird' for one person

Green beans cooked with butter, garlic and Provencal herbs,  and sautéed potatoes. I may add some sprouts with chestnuts, and although not traditionally French I love them.

There will be a rich red wine jus to accompany.


I was not going to go with the Provencal tradition of having 13 desserts ( which represents Jesus and the 12 apostles), this is not as huge as it sounds, it is usually 13 different types of candied fruits, sweets and nuts. According to tradition everyone should taste all desserts in order to have good luck for the upcoming year.

All of them!!!!......

Well that's a clincher, 13 desserts it is!

I am also making a cheese board which will cover , tea/dinner.

There will be a 'Buche de Noel' similar to a swiss roll but made to look like a log by covering with chocolate and chestnut icing.

And of course there will be Champagne...............well it wouldn't be Christmas without Champagne. ( it wouldn't be a day at The Wickets without champagne.)

There are so many regional variations that I could have opted for but to be honest I have gone for the one that will be the easiest for me, why make it hard?

I will be having my early morning Martini  which is now a tradition in my house, I will be using Noilly Prat  to maintain the French theme.

I am trying to make this Christmas as special as possible because we have all had the most trying year and its time to just spoil yourself.. Life has been very difficult for us all and sometimes it is important to look after you, and enjoy simple things ( ok maybe cavier isn't a simple thing).

Today I am hoping to have the latest bit of decorating done and everything put back to normal ( I have actually 'decorated' one of the built in wardrobes and will tackle the other 2 as and when I have the energy).

\with Christmas  over 3 weeks away now, so I had better get my skates on and get busy.

And here is a wonderful word for today.


this is now an obsolete adjective of nefarious

Have a great Thursday 

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