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Monday 21 December 2020

Push to the finish line


So here I am, the last few days of work for 2020.

Obviously the 'Richards' are already on holiday, lead by example is not in their book of management.

I'm trying to organise some food for the troops on our last day, just to have a sort of party, normally I would have made it, but at the moment I don't have the energy.

The weekend was not quite as relaxing as I wanted with the horrible news that my poorly sister, now has pneumonia. Its just awful, however we are 2 days on and although she is not well she is obviously fighting.

I've been trying to get some sleep but sadly the minute I close my eyes, my head goes into overtime. At 2am this morning, I was listening to the sounds of forklift trucks drifting  on the wind from the industrial estate to my bedroom, I was actually comforted that I wasn't the only person awake.

Over in Australia, Dan Christian, the Notts player hit the second fastest half century in BBL history. as his team the Sydney Sixers beat the Adelaide Strikers.

That's about it for Crickety news, although I did  start to watch The Test again at 2.30am this morning and I genuinely am enjoying it again. As I said last time I watched it, if you have Amazon Prime and want a good watch ( even though its about Australia) give it a go.

I know that we are all in turmoil with various parts of the  country going into another tier, I'm looking at it that not mixing for one Christmas will mean that we all have lots of Christmases to mix in future.

I know its hard, but make your day special in your own way, Christmas isn't cancelled, its just different this year. 

I wish you all a peaceful time.

I am signing off for the remainder of the week.

Happy Christmas

Stay safe.

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