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Friday 14 May 2021

Hurrah, its Friday.......


......and later it will be Cocktail hour ( if I make it back from the Gin factory).

If you follow  cocktailsandchina  on Instagram you will know that it isn't just cocktails, I also do 'mocktails'. Something for everyone.

This has become something of a labour of love as I do spend quite a  bit of time putting together the cocktail recipe, then deciding if there should be some special nibbles to go with it and don't get me started on glasses, trays, china and linen. 

I enjoy it and it does make me switch off from other things.

Well things are just becoming silly on the work front and I wont bore you with more stupid details. Just take if they continue as they have this week,  this time next month I will be running the place on my own as I will  be doing everyone's jobs.(not)

I do think this is a ploy to push me out and believe me as soon as I can go I am out of there.

Over in Scarbados the teeny Tykes match was drawn ( as expected) but  some great bowling and catching ( yes I am biased!).

My poor sister is not too good again, she is once again having speech problems and we are waiting to hear what the consultant thinks, its been so rough for her. Surely this year has to improve soon.

Yesterday  I received a wonderful present of a fabulous hydrangea, such a very thoughtful gift and much appreciated. 
After an hour soaking up the last rays of sunshine, it was back indoors and into the downstairs shower cubicle. Better to be safe.

Right I am off to finish this week and get ready for the weekend.

Have a great time. stay safe,

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