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Monday 30 March 2020

Back to work

Monday is here and I am not keen to leave my little 'oasis'
I have been in my own little bubble  all weekend and really do not want to go back out into the world, its not great.
People cannot and will not  abide by what the Government have ask us to do.
These people need to be held to account.
I expect that we will be in total lockdown by the end of the week.

I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed a weekend of nothing.
I have done lots around the house, and cooked { as those on Instagram will have seen}, however what I realised is that I go out at weekends , spend money when I don't really need to go out. I think that I might benefit from this insight in lots of ways.

There was some cricket news and this news brought a tear to my eyes, the lovely Ollie Rayner announced that he was retiring .
Ollie had the build of a fast bowler but was a spinner.
Ollie was also part of the Middlesex team at Scarbados when  Harry was President.
I would leave that right there. except to say that had I not been included in rounds with the team early evening, I may not have got into other scrapes later on that evening...…………...although knowing me so well, I think I would have.

Another of my top bowlers leaves the field.

I have been Tai Chiing  this weekend and I am really enjoying it, whether I am doing it correctly is another matter.

I have a list of things that  I am going to do in the next couple of weeks { fingers crossed a couple of weeks} and I think that I could learn quite a lot. Its never too late to start to learn something new.

And now I am off to make omelettes for the office and head off to work.

Have a great day.

Take care and stay safe.

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