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Thursday 26 March 2020

Looking back at sunnier times

Day 2 of lockdown for some of you so I thought that I would revisit some fun times,  I will take you back to August 2015 when  my besty chum Harry Latchman was President of Middlesex and made the journey up to Chester le Street.

Hope you enjoy.

Yesterday was very hot and sunny before 10am and frocks were the order of the day ( except for Pauly Paul and Mr Funky) and we headed off to The Riverside Ground.

We were expecting the match to be over before tea but they all dug in and so after much debate I am back there again today. Just to see my the arch enemies of my Tykes beat former besty home county of Durham.

We were once again visited by El Presidenti who had everyone in fits of laughter with tales of cricket, cricket tours and most things that I was involved in!!!

We saw lots of wickets fall which sadly for my Tykes was not happening as rain delayed the start of their match against Sussex. However once they got into it they  no stopping them until close. Michael Yardy was playing his last match and after His Royal Ryanness took his wicket  all my boys shook his hand. Once again confrming that cricket is the game of gentlemen.

It also meant that HRR added one more to his FC total. I am getting a bit excited now.

So I am lying in bed typing this on my mobile again as  my wifi will hopefully be repaired tonight.
I hadn't realised how much I use the internet or how much I rely on my WiFi!!!!  And that is quite worrying.

I really should get up...........but at the moment I am just basking in the thought of another cricket day.

ok need to put some washing on as I havent done any all weekend!!!!!


I hope that you are all keeping well.

Keep your chin up everyone.

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