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Tuesday 24 March 2020

New day , different rules

Well, its a new day and we are now playing on a new field.

Coach has called the shots and given us the way the game has to be played, its just for us to go and do our best.

I'm opening the batting today with the rest of Key workers, its to be hoped when I get to the middle Im not out first ball and face a long walk back to the pavilion.
I have been put into bat due to no response from my 'agents' after my request to know if  I  was able to play for this team.

For the rest of us, its a bit of batting and fielding and a lot of thumb twiddling  on the balcony.

I am not making light of the current situation, I just want to come out of the other side unscathed { as do we all}.

I have every thing set up at home { apart from House Party  which I am still having trouble  downloading}.
I was due to get the old barnet chopped as its the 8 week mark, however barnet tamer Jackie had to close last week as she is asthmatic  and it will be at least 12 weeks before I get a chance to see her, so I may well just grow the mop! at least then I can fasten it up!

Nails are trimmed short to make it easier to keep clean and make sure no little germs are hiding.

In Sainsburys last night, I watched  a couple just emptying the shelves into their trolley.
The lady on the till told me that a man had been in earlier and bought 6 packs of Dioralyte and 10 pregnancy tests. She asked if he was expecting good news and he stared at her blankly and then said  he hoped he didn't have a temperature!!!!
'Did you tell him what they were' I asked.
'No' she said ' after all if he thought they were thermometers why would buy 10, greedy bugger'

McDonalds sparked road rage as I left work, the roads were clogged up on the estate with people queuing to get their last fix of tumbled beef and MSG.
And as I crossed the A1 I hit the traffic waiting for chicken willies and beaks with BBQ dip at Aycliffe services.
Dear god...……………….what is wrong with people!!

And with that I am off to sort out red line drawings for chemical  dosing  in Northumbria and see what the next 3 weeks has in store for me.

Stay safe out there everyone, and if you are in isolation I am sending you  huge hug.

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