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Friday 27 March 2020

End of a very strange week

well this has to have been the strangest week I have ever lived through.

I'm still here and still doing the daily routine. Work is paramount and although we are on an office skeleton staff, we are still getting things done, helping keeping the water clean and drinkable.

I am managing to get some sleep now ( thanks to a hypnotherapy app) and although the days are filled with quite a bit of doom and gloom, I feel fully able to face them.

I hope that those of you who are self isolating are all coping OK.
I was going to take a break from blogging as there was no cricket, but thought that I would try to continue and bore you all with my ramblings of...……………….well nothing in particular.

Those of us in the office are suffering with severely dry,peeling hands, due to the amount of anti bac wipes, soap, foam etc we are using. I am using every hand cream I have to try to alleviate it.
At the moment the winners are 
1. L'occitane 20% shea butter
2. Avon age restore firming hand cream.

there we go, some consumer research for you all.

Who can say I haven't been  anything but helpful!?

As the weekend is approaching I am hoping that the sun continues to shine, in which case I will be out in the garden doing a bit of strimming and tidying up. I will get as much fresh air as possible, having been cooped up in the office all week.

I will be having my daily exercise walk, and I am starting online Tai Chi too, as well as signing up to learn Spanish. I think that when we can travel again I need to be able to do more than ask for 2 beers
and a brandy and hot chocolate

Well its time to head out, the roads are reasonably clear and that is one blessing in the current situation.

I wish you all a good Friday  and stay safe and keep well.

Love to you all

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