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Monday 9 November 2020

New week begins


Its Monday again and another week begins.

However what a weekend it has been.

Firstly I didn't do anything that I had planned to do. but that's OK.

 I did however open some birthday presents early and that was brilliant, you know how much I love my birthday. Instead of having a week of birthday fun, I have started a week early and am making 2 weeks of it, mainly to make up for missing it last year due to being ill. And hell, we can't go anywhere at the moment so I'm hanging it out as long as possible.

Saturday was essential shopping and a walk around the town centre which is looking very bare as more shops closing down. Its sad to think that before the council sold the shopping centre to London buyers, ( who continue to charge London rents) it was actually thriving with lots of independent shops.

Once home it was washing and a spot of tidying up and then settling down to watch rubbish TV.

Yesterday was Remembrance Sunday, I put out my cross and cried, and then spent a good hour crying a everyone else's posts on Facebook and Twitter! 

The  afternoon was spent doing vey little and watching rubbish TV.(again)

I have been out for a walk this morning and its getting very cold as well as being wet and very foggy, once home and showered  its been a two cup of coffee morning!!!!

I know one thing for sure this is going to be the longest week in history! 

Well I need to be heading out the door so time for 'Wonderful word of the day'

Today it is 


Known in English from the 17th century, trantles were 'trifling things and articles of little value'.

Happy Monday 

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