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Wednesday 25 August 2021

I'm back


Well I've missed a few days as I am struggling a bit at the moment 

I had  a very chilled out weekend, so I am  not sure how I have been unable to rouse myself. 

I got home Friday and set to get ready for cocktail hour.

Saturday Micky came unexpectedly, which was a lovely surprise.

Sunday took my sister and Micky out for a couple of hours

Monday could not get out of bed, managed, went to the office, took all the nonsense that this entails, came home and was in bed before it was dark.

Yesterday I had managed to wangle a full day off and had to be up early  to go and collect my tent for the weekend.

That done I prepared my cricnic as I was finally getting to see some cricket.

Mr Funky the Chauffeur and I got sorted ate food and got ready for the big event.

It was great to see the lads out on the field.

A tense game would sum it up and although we didn't make it to finals day, there was no shame for the lads ( although there was some dreadful fielding).

Or should I say catching!

The word Batters which is used all the time,is now something that is my ' nails on a blackboard'

Lets just dumb it down further, bowlers can be 'throwers' to go with the catchers.

How about my draughtsmen, they can be drawers or draughts ( which could work as some do make 'draughts' in the office).



Ah best go before this turns into a full scale rant, and before anyone brings up gender inclusion etc, I know all about it.

I played cricket in the 90's I was a 'batsman' I did not take offence, it denoted someone going into bat.

Happy Wednesday  

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