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Wednesday 11 August 2021

Midweek musing


Well here we are at midweek and I am musing on a number of things gleaned over the last few months of job hunting.

1. I don't appreciate being told that something will happen on an allotted day and then 3 days afterwards called and told that they were sorry for not getting back to you, and then expecting you to fall in with their new plan and saying they will call to set up the next day, and don't!

If you missed an interview, didn't phone, email or text, called 4 days later saying sorry can you do an interview now, I'm sure we all know what the answer would be.

2. Companies that arrange interviews, cancel because 'Charles' is going on holiday. Set another date 2 weeks in the future, then call the night before saying 'Charles' has take a day off the following day, and could they reschedule for 2 weeks time.

Really!especially when advert states 'needed urgently'

3. Companies who phone you,  send info, ask you if you have other companies interested in you, interviews lined up, how soon you can start, and then don't get in touch again.

4.Recruitment consultants who phone with the 'perfect' job for you, and don't know the working hours OR where exactly the company are based in said town/area.

If this is the state of industry/job market/ HR roles, then I really want to set up on my own as I personally  think that it is shocking.

Work ethic sure isn't what it used to be ( but I knew that).

Oh more of a rant than musings I think, no wonder I have taken a break from it all, its nearly as stressful as the saltmines.

And lastly, the dreadful news about Chris Cairns was a huge shock yesterday, thoughts and prayers are with his family and  hoping that he makes a full recovery.

Well time to head out the door and see what today holds for me.

Have a great Wednesday, half way through the week and  closer to the weekend.

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