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Thursday 8 October 2020

What to do


Well its Thursday and things are not getting any better, I am coming to terms with no Champagne birthday and no Malta Christmas, its all a bit bleak, and going to get bleaker for us if the rumours are to be believed.

I am considering putting my tent up in the garden and freezing me what nots off for a few days. Or walk to Redworth Hall for a couple of nights and then walk home( I reckon half hour each way) could even go on the bike, decisions , decisions.

In all seriousness, I just need a break and not at home, I've been home all but one week this year and much as I love my house I badly need a change of scenery.

I know that I am not the only person in this situation, its tough, its been a very tough year and I don't see it getting much better.

I guess I can start to make the Christmas cakes!

One thing I do need to do is cut the lawn, hopefully I'll be able to do this at the weekend.

Things have ground to a halt at home as Rhys has been away on large jobs, and my little ones have taken a back seat. Its not a problem, as it gives me a chance to do some of the finishing touches in the rooms that have been competed.

Well time to do some work.

Another day, another job application filled in!

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