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Tuesday 20 April 2021

Not looking forward to today

 And as Tuesday begins, I've been awake most of the night as we are being audited today by the new company. I can only hope that everything is OK on my side of things. 
I am then being audited by one of the countries water companies next week. 

Things have not progressed well with the former home shirker, who does not want to be in the office. Yesterday was one long complaint after another. Needless to say I closed the office door and put my headset on. 

He apparently was having panic attacks on Sunday  at the thought of coming back to work yesterday, and in the next breath was saying that he had been at the pub all of Saturday afternoon with all his mates that he hasn't seen for months! 

In cricket it was great to see both Matty and Ben in the 2nds away at Gloucester.

Will Fraine on 184 over night.

I will check in at lunchtime ( if I get lunch that is).

A little bit more normality with 2nds matches.

Wonderful word of the day


This words describes what some people would like and what some people who have would prefer not to, |( I was one of these until recently).

Ulotrichous  refers to people with curly hair

and with that I am off to be audited.

Have a great day 

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