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Friday 23 July 2021

Cocktail hour ahoy

 Well its Friday and its the last working day of the week, so that is a positive.

The last three days have been a struggle but we aren't going into that.

Having had my front garden strimmed by the council ( never done in 2 years) losing another hydrangea and one of the boule de neige bushes grown from a cutting from the Chateau, I go into the weekend feeling slightly jaded.

Upside, I am picking Micky up at 4pm so that is something to smile about.

Another thing to make me smile was that Mattry Revis was playing in the one day team at Scarbados yesterday and was the highest scorer for Yorkshire.
I'm not sure what is going on with the team selections. I know that we have lost players to the other game and to England, but there seems to be no contingency plan.

I am also wondering what to expect at the end of the season, will there be a major shake up ( maybe that's what we need).

I've lots to do on the way to work, dropping off somethings for a friend who has had an op and a birthday pressie.
Its all go!

Have a great weekend

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