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Thursday 22 July 2021

Tired Thursday


Well its morning and I am trying to drag myself out of bed after a night of excessive heat ( anything over -5 is excessive here). The heat combined with the noise from the fan I had going, managed to keep me awake most of the night.

I'm so British, moan when  its cold, moan when its hot!

And whilst on a moan, the other game started last night, I didn't watch. Its not cricket. all the back slapping today is not enough to convince me, really though, one womens match is enough to make it a success?

I can see that BBC cricket will be one page that I am avoiding for the next few weeks.

In other crickety news, Ollie Robinson has been recalled by England

I have managed to find somewhere to stay  in Scarbados in September for the 2nds match.

I still have both kidneys and a roof over my head  which is an absolute blessing as I though I might be short of one of them for a 5 day trip!

I am working towards my charity tea party in August and last night was given a very retro garden set, its such a blast from the past ( and in great condition). Brings back a lot of memories of long hot summer days at our  caravan in Weardale.

Can't wait for August 7th.

Well enough reminiscing, time to face the horrid reality.

Have a great day 

stay cool and stay safe.


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