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Tuesday 27 July 2021

Last week of July

 How did it suddenly become the last week in July!?

Its hard to believe that we are heading to the eighth month of the year.

Anyhow quick round up as I wasn't able to do the blog yesterday due to an early morning burglar alarm call out. It made for a very long day.

I had the lovely Micky  for the weekend, and as usual he brought calm and lots of cuddles to Maison des Guichets.

We went for tea on Friday to my sisters, Saturday saw the temperatures drop considerable, we sat in the garden most of the day just chillin', I was hit by a wave of tiredness, possibly due to not sleeping much last week, so we gave The Brewery a miss and had an early night.

He went home on Sunday and I caught up with all the housework and things that I had put on hold because it was too hot to be bothered.

And cricket, well the other game is ongoing, I watched about 15 minutes last night and that was enough to see how desperate they are for it to work. The commentators are overly animated about everything, quizzing players on their favourite foods!!!!???  Interesting............no!

Nick Knight even managed to move his mouth when he talked, I had become convinced in another life he was a ventriloquist .

A streaker the other night, a pitch invader last night, its just bad T20 meets a keg or two of Stella.

Great family fun!

Lets just be kind at the end of the season and pull the plug, it wont happen as they have to make this bastardisation of the glorious game work

I am busy knitting a couple of things to go up for raffle ( I think) so keep your eyes peeled for those when you are about at Yorkshire grounds.

And that is it for today.

At least I got a lie in this morning.

Happy Tuesday 

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