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Saturday 9 February 2019

The one where exhaustion kicks in

Well I am up, but I am sorely tempted to go back to bed as I am totally and utterly worn out. Its been a long month this week!!!!!

In between work, refereeing work 'boxing matches', getting the chateau in to order for the Estate Agent, sitting through 1.5 hours of Estate agent speak and other things that I have crammed in this week, I am totally and utterly exhausted.

So this will be short and I am looking forward to my blog day off tomorrow, when I will have a lie in (ie 6.30am then get up and strip the beds and start doing housework again).

In other news  Steve Patterson has been  name as Club Captain.

In worse other news, Keaton Jennings has been recalled to the team for the final test! Might as well send them all home now.

I see that 'Felt tip boy' has renewed his contract with Surrey, no doubt more scribbles on his arms to celebrate.

And that's it, I'm off to do stuff ( collapse on the sofa)

Happy Saturday

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