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Friday 11 October 2019

Finally Friday

Well it is finally Friday and I am glad that my right hand girl is back next week, as I have been covering her work, and believe me if one more stupid office boy comes to tell me there are no teabags, milk, sugar, coffee, when there is a Morrison's right in front of the office, I swear that  I may severely injure someone.

I realise now the rubbish she puts up with on a daily basis ( and not mine I hasten to add).

She does all the wages, accounts, cars van, office management duties,alot of admin for me, as well as  carrying reams of paper from the upstairs stores as office boys 'don't know where it is kept'.

Well believe me they do now as I have not only shown them  and I have made them carry it downstairs. cries of 'oh I have  bad back, leg, arm, etc' were not listened too as I realise that these lot have been mollycoddled for too long.

And as a result I am making them order their own breakfasts this morning, that should be interesting at 10am!!!

As you can tell I am tired and cranky after a very testing week.

I bet that Sussex are a bit cranky after it was announced that Reece Topley would be leaving them despite being offered a long contract.
I hope this is because he has decided that cricket is not for him and not that he used Sussex to get some exposure and is moving to another county.

They are a very small club with no revenue from Tests etc, I do feel for them.

And with that this tiny tome is at an end and I am off to finish the working week.

See you on Monday

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