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Wednesday 9 October 2019

Wow Wednesday already

Well its Wednesday already and I am trying to sort out something to do at the weekend ( apart from housework and washing)
It would, on Saturday have been my 17th Wedding anniversary, not something that I normally think about ( especially with happy memories). However I do remember the people who attended my wedding and are now no longer with us.
Always sad, but life goes on.

In the mean time I am cracking on at work and trying to get things sorted for this quarter, easier said than done, and yesterday was spent mainly booking houses and apartments from now until New Year for those of us who are going to be up and down country.
As my right hand woman is currently on a Greek Island quite
rightly doing absolutely nothing, I was in charge of the decision on the accommodation. Well luckily we have a couple of nice cottages and a lovely apartment to use so that should make the time away easier.

In crickety news, there is much chatter about Chris Silverwood taking over the reigns of the England team.

Also some renewals of contract as Richard Levi has signed for another year at Northants. #bigunit

Marchant de Lange has signed for another two years with Glamorgan

Essex  have re signed 4 of their players which isn't surprising considering the season that they have had.

As a Yorkie, I am waiting for any hints of player news. Although there is always the old ' we are bringing through the ranks'.

And with that I am out the door and off 'darn sarf' to set up an office on site.

I may/may not be here Thursday it will depend on how tired I am.

Have a great day, we are  close to the weekend now.

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