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Tuesday 23 October 2018

Stormy Tuesday

The desire to turn over and go back to sleep is very strong this morning as I wake up to howling wind and the curtains doing their very best ghost impressions.
Its very very windy and I doubt that we will be seeing the sun today.
We have been basking in sun and warmth the last few days but I think that now we are heading towards the end of October we are going to be getting a shock....................now where did I stash my thermals?

Hopefully England will get some play in Sri Lanka today and its to be hoped that the rain stays away.

More changes on the work front as they brought in another Director!
Interesting to see them fighting over 'Directors' parking ( ie at the front of the building) As there are now 6 Directors in the place the parking is very much on a first come first served basis, I am imagining that there will be some very early starts.

There is also a lot of talk about new cars!!

Mercedes tank boy wants an updated model and the 2 Jag boys are looking at Jaguar 'tanks'. I'm pleased to see that the buy out is befitting our customer service!

What a to do, and I imagine that today will be even more enlightening.

Ah yes I can see that my plans for a bolt hole may now be looking at a more permanent base

So with little cricket news, I will head off to the world of water treatment and see what today holds.

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