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Friday 24 January 2020

Cricket and bacon butty day

Well its a cricket and bacon butty day today, I have the order to put in and as Norty Morty is moving house today the cost will be dramatically lower than last week!

Morty, is actually moving into a caravan on the land where he is building his forever home, he will be living in the caravan for the next 12-18 months and hopefully all will go better than his house sale, which should have happened on 13th December and finally went through on Wednesday.

In other office news, we have just been given the retirement date of  'C Bomb' Bill, who will be leaving after Easter. He will be alternating between his house on the North Yorkshire coast and his house in The Cayman Islands.

Noting what is happening with the two above I have come to the conclusion that I have done something terrible in a past life as I have neither a caravan in Durham City  or a house in the Caymans!!!!!

*note to self, must try harder*

In cricket news, today is the 1st day of the fourth test, with lots of talk about the bounce of the pitch.
Archer and Wood are being made up to be the heroes of the game before it even starts.
Typical British press.

Lets see what happens when it all kicks off later.

I have Rhys the joiner coming this afternoon to start the work in the kitchen. He is an absolute treasure and I'm hoping that within the next few months we will have  most of the work done. {sliding door in the kitchen, new dining room door, upstairs bathroom cladding done.}

I also have a trip to the tip to do this weekend and I am going to be doing some planting in the garden as well a looking for some new pots for the hydrangeas {  have to be cobalt blue pots}.

Does anyone else think that this has been the longest month? It must be at least the 84th of January, and we still have a week to go.

And with that I am off to do half day Friday.

Have a fabulous weekend, and enjoy the cricket.

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