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Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year

well I am back after an extended and much needed Xmas break.

Its been a lovely break and one that has seen me lying around in bed most mornings instead of frantically typing.

So how do I start off the New Year of blogs?

Last week the picture of my 'cricmas tree' was deemed by TMS as probably the best tree that they had ever seen.
Very high praise, and one that has meant that the tree will have another outing this year.

My lovely friend Steve aked me how the tree came about.

A funny  story to tell?

Not quite and it has taken me a good few days to write this blog.

Way back in early December 2009, I went out for Sunday lunch wih a friend having brought the tree and decorations outof the garage to sort out when I got home.

I got home to the news that my Mum was in hospital and had suffered a massive stroke, having spent most of the that afternoon and evening at the hospital and being sent home and told to expect the worse, I put the tree  away.

Mum made it through the night and between then and Christmas she was transferred to a stroke rehabilitation unit.

Christmas came and went.

Mum was admitted to a home for 24 hour nursing.

Fast forward early December 2010, horrible snow which showed no chance of clearing.
Sunday shopping in Darlingon and got a call that Mum had been admitted to hospital, so walked up to  see what was going on.

I was called in to see a consultant who informed me that due to the terrible implications of her stroke a tumour that they had just found in Mums stomach was inoperable.

Well the tree never even got a look out of the garage that year.

Early 2011 Mum passed away , and I couldn't  be bothered to have a tree that year either.

I gave the tree to the Charity shop.

By 2012 I had moved house and my sister said I should try to have Christmas as it was a new home and a new start.

I half heartedly tried to ' do christmas'.
However we had more sadness on Christmas day  that year and same in  early December 2013.

I was beginning to dread  December and the C word.

2014 saw me celebrating a big birthday and having cricket themed cupcakes on a 3 tier stand topped off with a large polysteyrene ball painted to look like a cricket ball, the seed was sown.

 I bought a tree stuck it in the corner of the dining room and just looked at it.

Maybe the antidote to my  Christmas blues was the thing that had got me through the last few years.......cricket.

So I began  by knitting tiny sweaters ( Yorkshire of course), then found some small polystyrene balls which I sat and painted over more nights than I care to think about, to resemble cricket balls
I added some Yorkshire themed tassels and set it up.

I loved it and in place of a star I used the large 'cricket 'ball from my birthday.

Most years I try to add to it, a couple of wooly Yorkshire hats, more tassels. This year I added white roses and some tiny  round red lights.

My fun tree actually has a sad story in its making, but it has given me a lot of pleasure every year since.

It was going to be its lst Christmas as I decided to have a 'grown up' tree this year but I  think that it deserves one more outing....................at least.

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