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Friday 1 January 2021

Happy New Year


Happy New Year and a huge welcome to 2021.

I don't think that a year has ever been heralded with so much expectation as this one.Lets hope that it lives up to all the hype.

I had a very early night manged to get a couple of hours sleep before the firework started, obviously terrifying ever dog in the street not to mention the little girls next door..

First grump of the New Year, fireworks should be banned.

Usually today I would do a review of the year, but I can sum it up in a paragraph.

January and February dreaming of the cricket season, March got locked down,Didn't do much. July got a bit more freedom, cricket happened but not to go to  watch. Saw some friends!!! August got a holiday, not to Norway as planned but to Wetherby. Notts won T20 trophy. Got locked down again. Friend very  ill and in hospital. Couldn't have birthday in France, had birthday at home. Lost a friend. Sister seriously ill. Christmas came, couldn't go to Malta, stayed at home. Ate my bodyweight in food on New Years eve, went to bed at 9.45pm.

And here we are, 1st January 2021, a new day, a new year and a fresh page.

So what to do this year, what I really want first and foremost is to be able to be vaccinated.

I also would like to see people.

I want a hug, never underestimate the power of a hug.

Covid life is continuing, but a New Year always brings new hope and after the last year we all need to be hopeful.

So I wish you a very happy and healthy 2021, there are 365 pages in the book of this year to fill.

Lets get the first page filled in.

Stay safe.

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