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Friday 17 May 2019

visitor at the weekend

Wow , I have become the bestest doggy auntie in the whole world, I am that good that they are now queueing up to come stay with me.

This weekend, Micky is coming, Micky works in the local cycle shop owned by his Mum and Dad. He works very hard as the meeter and greeter, bringing his toy de jour for you to throw for him.

I've known Micky since he was a teeny weeny puppy and looked after by his big sisfur Peggy ( who went OTRB 2 years ago).

So he is coming to stay over night on Saturday, much fun will be had by us both I imagine.

Never a dull moment at the chateau, luckily he is not as full of 'michief' as Miss Babs, so I should be able to get on with all the things on my 'to do' list without fear of having another pair of flip flops deaded.

Well my teeny Tykes, were in fantastic shape this week against the weeny Worcester boys.
With a cracking win under their belts, I have high hopes for them.

And good news that Tom has had his op on his broken  finger,, so we'll see him back in about 6 weeks.

The 'Big' boys were on fire yesterday, with GB doing a 'GB' and scoring a fabulous 159, helped along the way by TLJL who hit 69. We are closing in on Kent and there is everything to play for.

We can do this, we are Yorkshire!

Never underestimate them.


More knitting in the chateau and more jumpys taking shape. Don't forget to head to the 'Owzat' shop on North Marine Road (or contact for details) to become the owner of a limited edition Yorkshire Bear.

With that I am off to do my thing.............order the butties from Big Al, apparently this is my most important job!

happy Friday have a good one.

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