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Friday 12 January 2018

Half day Friday

And so half day Friday begins!

And I am still on a rant with the follicaly challenged M Vaughan.
I am sure that he is just saying totally stupid things to wind me up, surely he is not that dumb where cricket is concerned?
I still cannot get my head robbing us of 2 more matches taking them abroad to condition players to being abroad(???!!). Which would in turn get us a better test team????

It would get us a team of softies who don't want to play in April and September in the UK ( which is another thing being moaned about!!

Look if I sit out in it, they can play in it as they always have done.I am sick of hearing about change for the better.

Right onwards

The lovely James Harris from Middlesex has signed an extension to his contract.

As many of you will know he spent a morning chatting to Jim and I last season and is a credit to the club. I am pleased to hear that he is staying on.

Rumours already circulating that the England job, when it becomes vacant, will go to Chris Silverwood.
Well we have a season and some to go before then, so lets see what happens.

The weekend is looming, I am looking forward to heading home early when I can put some washing in and then retire to the sofa and watch rubbish TV.

The rest of the weekend will involves a lot of the same I think.
I am still very tired and need to try to rest as much as possible, I think I have had a little wake up call.

There are a few things that need to be done, and things to take to the charity shop, once I have done these things I can concentrate on doing nothing.

And we are nearly mid way through January already, before we know it the cricket season will be upon us.

Have a great Friday and a great weekend

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