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Tuesday 9 January 2018

Two days in a row

Well quelle surprise, I have managed two days of blogging  in a row, I know it’s  not at the normal time, but I would seriously be struggling to do anything at that unearthly hour at the moment.
As I am fairly lucid, I think that I should crack on.

In cricket news, Trevor Bayliss has confirmed that he will not renew his contract when it comes to an end in 2019, so that means that Sussex  will have 2 seasons with Dizzy before he jumps ship to take over to the  England set up!

Why do I say this?

Well Australia have ignored him again ( and yes I know that he is currently with The Adelaide Strikers) by bringing  Ricky Pointing to the T20 coaching side for the Tri Series starting next month.

They never really came good for old Diz  did they?

Thoughts are turning to the County Championship season here at the Chateau , as I have made the decision to maybe not attend as many matches and try not to run myself ragged all the time.

It may only be a 140 mile trip, but doing that a few times a month and then work and all the other things I do  can be physically exhausting.

Also I have to fit in another couple of visits to France for the secret project, so something has to give……………………………….I would like it to be work, but that’s just a dream!

I have selected the games that I will be watching and will stick to those.

South Africa had a great win, although sadly I didn’t see any of it, I was cheering from the sick bed.

I would like to also hope that I am on the mend now although I am still trying to cough up a lung at every possible opportunity which does not sound great.

Have a great day.

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