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Saturday 20 January 2018

The one where I eat my words

Well now!

I have read and re read the proposal  that has been put together by Mark Arthur and Martyn Moxon  and I seriously think that  they are on to a good idea.

That and the fact that we could claw back one more match would be a good thing,

The version in the Telegraph was sketchy to say the least, the full  Yorkshre version was clear and to the point.
And so I take back any doubtful remarks that I made in the blog yesterday and have to say that I am waiting to hear more on this proposal.

What I do think is that the ECB will not roll with it, because they didn't come up with it.

If this was put to the members of all counties to vote on I would suspect that it would be a winner all round.

I personally raise a glass of champers  to it!

OK lets see what else has been going on.

Well England won the 2nd ODI against Australia. There were some great batting on both sides and it was great to see Liam Plunkett and Adil Rashid in the wickets.

Here in the North East of Blighty we have not had any more snow but it is now crisp and crunchy underfoot so I think that  my trip to the town today will be walking at a snails pace.

I also have some things to do in preparation of the new bedroom fix up.

So I must be on the mend if I am making plans to do decorating!

I know that the blogs have been short of late, and not very interesting, but I am managing to at least post a blog every day.

Hopefully we are now on the other side of the horrible fluy type thing and I can get back to normal, what ever normal is!

have a great weekend

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