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Friday 20 July 2018

Another working week nearly over

Well another week nearly over and still no decision on D Day as of yet. I've been working hard to try to set up a separate part of the company which hopefully will be of interest to a lot of companies.
Its not complete yet but nearly there.

I am sure that none of my office mob can wait for bacon  butty day today. not to mention that fact that we are on half day so that  is always good.

I am cricketless again this weekend so this will give me the impetus to get the house tidied from top to bottom, windows cleaned and anything that stays still long enough  steam cleaned!

That will all start at about 2.30pm this afternoon when I finally get home.

So what else has been happening?

well there appears to be trouble brewing for Adil Rashid amongst the Yorkshire faithful, as it was announced that he is looking for a test place, this he man who 'decided' that white ball was the only format of the game he wanted to play and as such has not been in any CC squad.

Is he going to pick and choose what he plays according to the badge on his chest. Three Lions V the white rose?

We seem to have a few players who have shown some disloyalty to the club this season in the chase for fame and money.

Sussex pulled off a win as Gloucestershire were not up to the run chase.

Still much talk about the 100 ball thingy. No one really seems to know how it will work and I'm not talking us mere mortals either.
I fear that the ECB may have egg ( and bacon) on their faces.

my view is that those who are not true cricket fans will go to see what all the fuss is about and this will end up being  just an excuse for serious drinking, which to be fair, is pretty much what T20 is.( guilty as charged).

Well time to hop off.

happy Friday

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