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Sunday 25 March 2018

I'm not feeling my best.

Well it's Sunday the  clocks have gone forward and I'm feeling a bit rough.

However  let's see what's been happening in the cricket world

Well yesterday was the AGM at HQ.
Many of you will have seen my updates.
Gist of it is.
We are doing good
We have a great team and many more players coming through.
The new stand is coming on well.
We can all eat pies and drink beer in the Long Room safe in the knowledge that the money is benefiting us. We have the catering rights back.

I also have to say, as I have said on numerous occasions, Andrew Hodd is a wonderful man and a credit to the club.

I caught up with Jemima and Gary and John before catching a bus to the city centre and meeting Jim.

Few drinks and then we met Sophie and Terry.
Ah the gang back together again.
Many drinks and a fabulous meal later, it was time to head back to the hotel.
Very sad to leave them but only weeks until Sophie is here again.

Also in cricket.
Australia are now found to be cheats.
Not much else you can say.
I'm certain that this is going to go on and on.

And now I'm going to have some coffee a splash in the bath and hope that  I feel a little bit better.
I'm also picking up my new dining chairs on the way home.
Then I think it will be an early night for me.

Until the morrow

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